11-27-2002, 06:59 PM
My motherfucking cable never stays on. It is always shorting out. Charter hasn't done a goddamn motherfucking thing to fix this fucking dick licking motherfucking cunt wiping bullshit. Fuck Charter and all of it's fucking ass raping fuckers. On a second thought, just fuck this fucking fucker.
Anyway, my cable connection keeps shorting out. It has been doing this for a few months. Sure, I'm getting this cable for free right now because of it, but I want to be able to play some fucking games every once in a while without being fucked in the ass by my cable connection. Charter said that it is an underground line that is fucked. I hope not, because those fat fucks will never fix it, and I'm dead serious about that, too. I am thinking it might be my modem, since this girl that lives in my neighborhood said hers never goes out, and I live in a small subdivision. Anyway, Fuck Charter.