11-30-2002, 01:30 AM
Messageboards/forums are there for everyone to talk about their topics of interest. The good thing about forums (opposed to a guestbook which would only support one dialogue) is that you can run multiple discussions at a time.
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On the subject:
I don't see how blood mods give you an unfair advantage as it would help determining if you did or did not hit someone. In that case my headphones are a cheat too.
If you listen very carefully when you run and suddenly stop, land after a jump or something like that, you'll hear a sound that resembles closing a barn door or something. This sound is also bound to when you hit someone on the head/upper body. It has a very distinctive metal kind of sound in the beginning, and although it is played on very low volume compared to all the other sounds around, the trained ear can pick it up in the middle of a fight every time. This will accurately define a good hit, and will produce an even better effect than the blood mod, as it even works at very large distances.
And no, it's not a mod, I re-installed the game from the original disks to make sure it is in the official moh:aa package. You do need *good* headphones though.