11-07-2001, 04:54 AM
well first off, i love this game! i got it today and im stuck on the 2nd level. lol.that level is just way too long with too many places to get ambushed. but the bigger the levels the better! i also really dont like the reloading sequences and sounds...ESPECIALLY THE M1!!! its terrible that part is really, really cheap. and i dont like how the fire fights go. it seems like the germans are able to hit you and you cant fire back, even when you press the fire button a couple times after the red screen goes away... seems like you can die too easily too. BUT, that is it for my complaining. its big, its large, you get to drive vehicles that have inertia factored in to it. that is very well done. the graphics are very, very good. i consider this the cheap version of moh:aa. i cant wait to see what goodies they have for us there =) =) =) and then! you get to see what goodies the Bob mod has for ya =) =) =) tell me what you think of deadly dozen guys...