11-08-2001, 10:40 AM
Sorry Ballistic I just had to post this. It's from the official EA boards:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
BallisticPussie, who peed in your Capt. Crunch?
You need to get laid instead of sitting around in your jammies all day watching Star Wars. I 'll bet your light sabre doesn't even have hair on it yet.
Factor this, you were the guy in Jr. High whose head I used to stick in the toliet and flush.
BTW, Robinson's and Macy's are having a sale this weekend....women's dept. check it out.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Those boards are really really bad! I just came in to see what they where all about and I saw someone in about 1 minute calling me an asshole.