Upem, or however the hell you spell his name, was a chicken shit, everytime Mellish gets that knife in his heart from that bastard nazi I always get sooooo pissed off.
But at the end where Upem shoots that nazi SOB I guess he kinda gets his recompense. In my eyes he's sorta forgiven, he's not innocent anymore, he's not the "fancy little f..." that he was at the start. hehe
Actually Upham killed the German who shot Cpt. Miller (steamboat willy) the one they took prisoner at the MG42 nest which is a different soldier than the one who killed Mellish. (the one who killed Mellish had SS lapels instead of standard Wehrmacht lapels like Steamboat Willy had on) Look close next time you watch and you'll see what i mean. Upham shoulda got his shit together and got that SS squad when they were going up the stairs and not looking at him then he woulda got rid of them and got the 30. cal ammo to henderson and mellish but that wouldn't be the same movie then would it

Dont mean to be picky just wanna clear it up.