A shell explodes nearby, flinging debris at you; heavy machine gun fire is flying over your head. The night's sky is being criss-crossed with Ack Ack tracer fire, to an accompaniment of the dieing screams of the wounded. Your hearts pounding, your squads dead, you have little ammo left, what do you do, what do you do?
Well for one thing you don't bunny hop out of your hiding place and stab 15 guys to death with a bayonet as they try and gun your rapidly circle strafing form down, like in so many FPS's and I am sure eventually even MOH:AA will befall the same fate.
Fortress Europe is a mod for MOH:AA that attempts to build on the realism and setting that the game brought to you. Several famous and vitally important battles took place in the Western European Theatre of Operations in WW2. Though MOH:AA allows you to take part in a few of the battles most of them are fictional. Fortress Europe attempts to bring the real battles to you. Despite the impression that Hollywood might give you there were more than 2 sides in the war, this mod will hope to allow you to play as Americans, British and Commonwealth forces, as well as Free French and French Resistance militias all fighting the Nazi war machine. A dynamic range of missions and tasks are planned from being the first wave of paratroopers into Arnhem to playing as some lightly armed resistance fighters trying to blow up a radar station in advance of the Allies assault on D-Day. The respawn system will be mission specific so that tiny garrison at a German radio really station will fight a small unit of British Paratroopers in round based combat. Whilst waves of US infantry will fight on a wave based respawn whilst the limited Atlantic Wall defenders will have to contend with a high reinforcement based respawn.
The mod will be class based with the classes available depending on the mission. Also as this is a mod that has the Allies as more then the US, the different armies will have access to different weapons. Vehicles will also play a pivotal role, from defending a convoy of trucks to hunting down a damaged Tiger. That said as the mod strives for realism, only the tank related classes can use these vehicles so none of your US GI leaping into a German Panzer III and running over a Waffen SS unit! Some missions will even feature a large amount of tanks in battles chosen to simulate areas of the front with large concentrations of amour.
So far what has Fortress Europe to offer the discerning gamer? Unlike other WW2 mods for games such as HL (WIE,DOD) or even MOH:AA itself, Fortress Europe will have more then the standard Germans vs. USA approach, after all some of the most exciting and important battles were fought by the other Allies. Also realism will be an important factor, this will not be a mod for people who like to DM in a team game. Concentrated firepower and strategic advance is the key in this mod. Individual scores as you know them will be revolutionized with a system that only shows you contribution to the team effort on not an ego boosting kill/death ratio display. Realism is also key in how we interpret movement, accuracy and damage thresholds, admittedly some realism has to be sacrificed for game play but not enough to remove the atmosphere we hope to create that YOU are fighting in WW2.
Our website is currently being transferred to a new host and the DNS servers are still updating. You may not be able to access
www.fortress-europe.com until tomorrow evening.
We are looking for a few people to join the development team, we are looking for talented coders, modelers, skinners and mappers. If you think you have what it takes send me a email to
munro@dayofdefeat.co.uk with links to any previous work you have done.
Any questions and suggestions are welcome