Originally Posted by MPowell1944
its funny. RudeDog will lock my post, but he wont lock yours. Show what a good moderator he is. Keep it up RudeDog.
Actually, it's not funny. Rude's doing exactly the job we would expect him to do. Not only that, but Rude probably had more important things to do than keep his eye on you 24/7 since he's got a family and an actual job - ON TOP OF the 20 million other things he does on a daily basis.
And to further my point of just how UNfunny this is (who cares if it's an actual word), you're asking the whole world to forgive you for the 20 billionth time with the same excuse ("for the love of the game"), and after you get flamed - for which you admittadly expected - you retort with such comments.
And finally, it won't matter what you
say you're going to do. Fact of the matter is that you've
already done so much. Attacking AAN was more than enough for me - AND TO THINK I GAVE YOU THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT?!!? You have no place in this community, and if the hacking/cheating community gives you the same shit I wouldn't be suprised. You're a snake in the grass... actually, you're like a bad case of a stomach virus: you make us all want to puke. Go find another community to infect with your plague as your mere presence in this one sickens me to no end.
Obviously your love for the game has and always will be more than your own self-respect and respect for anyone else.