12-28-2001, 12:21 AM
Those seem to be client-side commands Sirogojno.
I'm trying to setup a dedicated server and I can't even do that. I'm trying to do it with cmd line execs. I've added these cmd lines to a shortcut:
+set dedicated 2 +exec server.cfg
In my server.cfg, I have this:
set map obj/obj_team1
seta sv_hostname "Operation Market Garden"
seta sv_maxclients 14
g_motd "Welcome to Operation Market Garden!"
seta rconpassword "wouldntyouliketoknow"
And thats it, but it doesn't work. Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong or post an example server.cfg that would do the trick for me. I am not too familar with Q3 server setups(I've done HL servers before). TIA
"Praise the lord and pass the ammunition!"-Poncho Vella