How stupid do companies think people are? -
01-22-2003, 10:03 AM
Just looking at the back of a tube of superglue and it says:
"May cause harm if taken internally". Well no shit, its not exactly meant to be eaten by anyone. Then we get to the best part, "avoid contact with eyes". oOo: +++ , Jesus i would never have thought of that, superglue stick things in seconds so the first thing i was gonna do was test if it could stick my eyball to my eyelid.
The we come to a packet of monitor wipes.
"Do not use product on the human body". oOo:
Just as well i read that, i always wanted to use monitor wipes to wash myself with rather than shower gel or soap. oOo:
Do they intentionally make these retard proof so they don't get used or what? Any moron intentionally squirting glue into his eyes has obviously got issues and probably deserves to spend the rest of his life minus one eyeball anyway.
Originally Posted by Nyck
But one of her fucking grandkids, pookie, rayray or lil-nub was probably slanging weed or rocks out of the house.