MoH: Pacific Valor? -
01-26-2003, 03:22 PM
Ya I know... I leave and come back then go away and come back again, more often then the song about the damn cat.
Well that's face it MoH: AA has bullet in the head and is dying off very quickly. And Spearhead? Please, SH is nothing more than a $45 (CDN) update, not an Ex. Pack! ...hey kids can you say rip off? But I'm not here to take pop shots at THE evil empire of this industry, EA games, no I've done that for the past two years thank very much. No, I'm here to talk about a rumor...
As a flaw in human nature took over last night, I got down right hyper-excited when I heard the rumor that MoH: Pacific Valor is currently in the works! Now knowing EA I'm sure this is truly just a rumor. But as gamers we all must have faith that EA isn't going to allow this great series to die off. That even EA will discover their hidden moral vaules within, and they are actually making a brand new MoH game!
...So has anyone here heard ANYTHING about this. Cause if it's true, then damn this is prime time news for gamers. However if it's not... well talk about a major kick in a pants!