man, I thought I was set ! After playing the multi demo, it was clear to me, that I needed a new sound card, and new video card. So I went out and got thoes too, and now I play the SP demo, and its clear that I need a new procs. DAMN ITTTTTTTTTTTT ! I always knew my 400Mhz celeron was hurting my Videocard, but I didn't think it was this bad ! NOOOOoooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOO >..............
Man, I put everything at max, like I always do on the mutli demo, and it was so choppy ! damn. And then I turned everything way way way way down, and it played much better, but it looked like crap
That one ranger guy that starts out with you, has a really awsome detailed face !
This is my plan, when I first got my comp, it was a HP, 400MHz, 8 MB card, 16 bit sound, and 64 ram. Now its a 128 ram, 32 bit sound card, and has a Gforce2 MX 400 64 MB card. OH and a cable modem. WEll all I need now is a new case, and a mother board, and cpu, and ram, and im all set, because I can put my videocard, sound card, and cable modem card in there, and my 32X cd-rom drive too. THEN I will put all the old shit back in my HP, and buy a cheap ass, shitty shit CD-rom, like a 5X or some cheap shit, and put it in there, and sell it for for like $600. After I get that money, I will buy the case, and CPU and mobo, and ram, and i'll be set ! Trust me, I can sell it off for $600, some guy had the same shit hp I did, and did the same thing, and sold it off to some old people, and they only use it for E-mail and they think it works great !
Bah I cant wait for my plan to take into action !!!!!! MUAAHAHAHAHAHAHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ......
"So I guess I changed some. Sometimes I wonder if I've changed so much my wife is even gonna recognize me whenever it is I get back to her. And how I'll ever be able to, to tell her about days like today. Ah, Ryan...I don't know anything about Ryan and I don't care. The man means nothing to me. He's just a name. But if you know, going on to Ramelle and finding him so he can go home, if that earns me the right to get back to my wife, well then, that's my mission."
[This message has been edited by Tyler Durden (edited January 01, 2002).]