01-02-2002, 10:35 AM
and another thing, i might be 11. but dont think that i cheat and i am racial. causse im dont cheat and im not racial. ok, ill admit if some asshole annoys me enough in a game. i will cuss them and call them a fag or gay. ntohing more. once i have called someone a homo. but that was because i was joking. and another thing. everyone is right. most of the time a "kid" does cheat and does stuff like that. thast because they have no life and nobody likes them. i have a life. i actually make programs and websites. thast pretty much 1/4 of my life. my toehr 1/4 is playing games and being on the computer or watching tv. the other half. is my "real" life. Thanks, Laters.
[This message has been edited by AlphaLeader (edited January 02, 2002).]