Need help im a confused nub -
02-06-2003, 11:38 PM
cry: i was following the tutorial on how to make a map with the sdk and a ran into section 4,
Open a command prompt and run q3map like this
Q3map –gamedir <base directory of the game> <name of the map>
On a machine with MOHAA installed to c:/mohaa and the map named placed in the c:/mohaa/map_source directory the command would look like this:
Q3map –gamedir c:/mohaa c:/mohaa/map_source/tutorial
This compiles the BSP for the map
Compiling Vis is much the same way but with a –vis command attached like this:
Q3map –vis –gamedir c:/mohaa c:/mohaa/map_source/tutorial
My question- Whats a command prompt?? cry: and how do i open it?? WTH is it talking about? Please if anyone could explain i would really like to learn this stuff.