01-08-2002, 12:44 AM
Oh,please! The list of things that are not realistic with MoH is huge! I don't even want to try to think of them all. But I don't care because it is fun. If I wanted realism I wouldn't be playing a game.
Now, for you people who only know what you 'learned' in video games, here is a sample...
When someone dies, they don't drop a magical health pack that someone can run over to have half their health restored.
When someone is shot 3 times in the back by a machine gun, they don't turn around and kill the shooter with a shotty blast, because they are already dead!
When someone is shot once, they tend to bleed, thus losing health continuously. Also, the wound makes it difficult to run or wield a gun.
When an anti-tank shell explodes 10 feet from you, you don't rush the shooter and gun him down, because you're already dead. If it lands 100 feet from you, then I guess maybe you will survive long enough to urinate and defecate in your pants before gaining enough sense to jump into the nearest ditch and start praying.
Anyone care to add to the above?