Originally Posted by "Low spark":705b4
Pyro, don't judge American's by this forums. We a very proud country and rightfully so. We have made mistakes we and we will make many more. But we have also made many sacrificies for others. For the most part we do try do help to make it a better world, sometimes we are misguided in our attemps, or put our greed above needs of the rest of the world. But for the most part we really do believe in peace, and really do care about others.
I know. But it seems if I disagree with someone who happens to be American, it suddenly turns into a flame of canada versus usa. I don't know why, but it just happens. But when you see stuff like what whatever says, it is hard to not comment on it.[/quote:705b4]
If the best aurgement the can come up with is you are wrong because you are Canadian, you won.