01-10-2002, 08:11 AM
I have always loved the shotgun. It was my favorite weapon in Doom. In Quake it was too toned down; in CS it is fine. And in MOH it is the best.
I love the sound. I love the fookin awesome impact as it spews my enemy's viscera into the air. I cringe when, in the hands of an opponent, it blows my small brain pan apart.
I love sneaking up on a sniper who is carefully aiming out the window. I like to sit there, with my muzzle against his helmet, till he senses something is wrong, starts to turn, BLAM!!
The Shotgun is clearly a MAN'S WEAPON. Not like those other sissy weapons. Sissy weapons go 'ratatatat' like the sissy machine guns. MANLY WEAPONS go BOOM.