Originally Posted by "Bazooka_Joe":21b58
I recieved my Logitech MX700 mouse the other day, and I just wanted to post about it a bit. I HIGHLY recommend this mouse to anyone. Here's some pros & cons.
Ergonomic - Comfortable grip, with ditched-in side for thumb rest. Very fancy and relaxing style.
Wireless Optical - Two of the best wonders in mice today - wire-free roaming, and glideball-free, for faster performance in mouse movement.
Rechargeable batteries - IMO, the BEST feature of this product. My cordless optical died every three weeks from batteries, but this one comes with 2 AA rechargeables, and a docking station.
Buttons Galore - 7 BUTTONS! All with great features, including:
(a)back & foward internet thumb buttons
(b) scroll up & down buttons
(c) sub-menu button (Same concept as using ALT-TAB to switch through open windows, at a touch of a button)
Gamers rejoice! - The newest drivers from Logitech FINALLY make ALL mouse buttons compatible in DirectX applications!
Infared Reach - My mouse had trouble communicating with the docking station only 3 feet away. My older Logitech Cordless Optical Mouse could be used from my bed, a good 12 feet from the remote station.
AC Adapter - Not a big hassle, but the docking station requires its own power supply to recharge the mouse.
No Lefty support - Exactly that, right-handers only.
Folks, all in all, this is the best mouse I've used ever. I'm actually considering buying one strictly for work.
i hate to quote the whole thing but what the helll, why not
im use=ing the logitech mx500 mouse, and i must say the mx500 and mx700 have got to be the best mice out right now. for the people who are still using cheap ass dumpster diving mouse, throw them back in the dumpster and spend some money on the logitech mx500-700 mouse
i am soo happy with my mx500, im thinking of geting a mx700, but with the con's that joe has listed i think i will just stay with my mx500
500 = 700 with a wire?