I have heard many people trying to justify warez by comparing it to copying or d/ling a music CD. I would say that this is not a very good comparison.
I am a musician, and I personally could care less if people copied my music like mad. I am just happy to have people who want to listen to my stuff.

The money comes in anyway. As a musician, people will always pay to hear you in concert. There is no replacement for a live show.
Now programming, that's a different story. There is no "live concert" for a programmer. They will make no money off of T-shirt sales, or merchandise for that matter. The only thing they are going to make money from is legitemate sales of their software. Actually, programming can be very boring and thankless work. The real reward is getting to look at the completed product, and knowing that players will enjoy it. (as well as profits from sales

One last point I need to make:
It is very difficult to find CD-quality d/ls of audio files. Morpheus only supports up to 128kb/s, and other file-sharing programs are much less reliable. A warez does not have this drawback, most of the time they are pretty much the same as the real thing. Therefore, buying the produced CD is a lot more attractive than buying the produced program.
I personally will happily pay my $50 knowing that a helluva lot of time and effort went into the making of this game. Also, I have got 2 FREE demos that are hella fun. I owe you guys, thanks 2015! *thumbs up*