favorite IL-2 Forgotten Battles plane (by year) -
04-29-2003, 02:19 PM
for those of you who got FB, what's your favorite and or least favorite plane plane and why?
For early war (1941-June '42) my fave is the I-16, sure it's slow but it's damn manuverable and powerful enough to give Jerry a headache from a medium burst.
For this same period the P-40 is a pig in a dogfight, but nothing and I mean NOTHING can stand up to those 6 .50cals for over one second, so that plane is a close second.
I absolutely hate the Mig-3, it is not very manuverable (more than P-40 but still a pig), and it's one .50 cal and 2 .30 cals just don't cut it with me. It's fine if you have unlimited ammo on, but otherwise you can't kill more than one or two planes with it.
For medium war (late 1942 through mid 44) I have to say that the La-5 is my choice: fast, nimble, and armed with two 20mm cannon, when I get Focke-Wulfs in a dogfight, they do not last for over 30 seconds.
P-39 is fast, somewhat manuverable, but it's 37mm kickass cannon makes it a primo choice for exterminating kraut bombers.
Late war is the Yak-3 hands down it is fast, super-manuverable and it's armament, while not the best in the world, is good enough to do the job.
I have to constantly keep the throttle back on this honey of a fighter to keep from overshooting the Germans.
BTW. Is it just me or are the German fighters real pigs in a dogfight? (ie. not manuverable, underpowered, etc)