05-02-2003, 05:27 PM
Yeah I have been downloading everything I need this summer. I thought I might start getting into modding and skinning some downloaded everything there is for them and turtorials. I will have nothing else to do besides that playing single player and bowling. ( I can't get faster connection no how our internet is owned by the phone company and it is a monopoly or I would have another internet in my home town so would one or two others) They also want run cable from my house it is just like less than a mile. I could get the internet from direct tv but that costs an arm and a leg. You have to buy the internet thing which is like 400 some dollars and then 50 bucks a month man it ain't worth that. Yeah maybe I can go out to a local community college where I will be taking some classes and play a little in the library or when I am substituting at the local school (good internet there).