05-08-2003, 05:22 AM
Well, I just thought I would put my two cents worth into the pot hehe. I am the server admin for the [RCM] server. I run CI and mam on my server. To date I have banned 734 players, yes, 734. Some of the ip's I got from the cheat police, a lot I have kicked myself. I have also gotten ip's from other clans we are close with. I have banned over a dozen clan tags, and the numbers keep rising. I have my server set up so that FF is always on. You have got to love the peeps that come in, start tking everyone lol. GONZO. Attack any player, regardless of whether or not they are in my clan or not, GONZO. Any racist or hatred fueled remarks...GONZO. I do not kick or ban based on score, or if you come in and whoop our asses. If I think you may hack, I will simply force a ss on you, and you have 24 hours to send it to me, if you do not, you guessed it...GONZO.
I try my best to maintain a cheat free server at all times. Our squad has over 7 admins, who will kick and ban accordingly. We love to play, and thats all we want to do is to play. Have a cheat skin on, see ya later. The other night, we had 6 members of another squad in our server. One got caught switching to the ronald skin, cya. The other players started to curse at us for kicking him, well CI did but whatever. So, I kicked their whole clan, and banned their tags. I dont put up with any crap what so ever.
The reason I wanted to post was to share a little for those who wanted to know what other admins do or think. I myself am 31 and am a computer programmer. I run edited localization text with a few swears here and there, cause that is the way I like it to be. Does that make me a bad admin? Not in my books. I kick and ban a lot of people for just reason, no problems there correct? I dont run any funny mods or anything except for a few sound mods. Just adds some flavour to the game if you ask me. We are truly one of the 100% cheat free servers out there, or at least as cheat free as a server can be. Maybe those that are ineterested can check us out sometime. We are honest players who just like to play the game, have fun and shoot the shit over ts with the rest of our squad.
[RCM] ripPajo |AC|