Alright people, This warez crap has gone on for long enough! How about everyone calling a time out!
Firstly, IF you want to ruin the game for yourself and more importantly for 2015 (and in a way EA!), by D/Ling the warez copy, go ahead! You can even get it a million times over for all I care! Just dont start bitchin' if companies stop making these games due to lack of resources!
Secondly, IF you do D/L it OR already have, DONT start new threads on ANYTHING to do with the game! YOU are doing nothing but totally fucking it up for the rest of us who are waiting for it to hit the shelves!
BTW, dont think that when the 22nd comes around that EVERYONE will have a copy. Here in Australia, we have to wait untill the 4th Feb!
Thirdly, IF you are one of the few who are waiting for MOHAA to hit the shelves, then stop the constant immature name calling and pointless threats. You are only prevoking them to post more on how they already own the game and they will continue to ruin it for the rest of us!
I know the majority of members here are 18 or under BUT for cring out loud GROW UP!
Close isn't good enough unless you throw a grenade!