Metallica - St. Anger -
06-05-2003, 04:47 AM
Well, the much anticipated 8th album of Metallica has been released today. Was the release date first set at 20th of June, then at the 10th, the album has been released the 5th, to prevent pre-release illegal distrubion. They seem to have failed. I had the album in high quality on my harddrive last Sunday. And I think some people have had it for several weeks, they got their hands on it via IRC. I can tell you this: I was planning to buy it. But I am glad I checked it out before running to the local store.
About the album:
It is simply not Metallica. Anyone who has been a Metallica fan since Lightning/Justice/Master will be even more astounded by this release than was the case with the 'Load' release, back in 1996. Admitted, I was expecting something new, a different style, but this is...well, the best description I can think of is a mix of Korn, Linkin Park, System of a Down with Pantera speed in some songs. No solo's, the drums are shallow and sound like Lars is using oil barrels for drums. Tha bass sounds incredibly Korny on some tracks. James is screaming all the time. I was surprised to say the least (at least they succeeded in that area).
There are 11 tracks on the album. All kind of sound the same. Actually, it sounds like it is one song of 78 minutes, oOo:
My favourite track at the moment is track 3. Has some variation in it. Main problem: After have listened to the entire album in one session I am soooo tired and almost immediately want to hear some popular Eurotrash dance music. It is 78 minutes of Metallica (?) raging. And that gets boring. Dull is the word that popped into my mind halfway the album.
Maybe I will start to appreciate the album after some time, but I have the feeling that even that is an overestimate. Like a friend of mine said: Wow, it almost sounds they have released a fake -but recorded by Metallica- album on the net to fool us all.
So, the album being such a letdown, I am much anticipating the Metallica videogame. Yes, you read that correctly. From what I've heard, leaning will be enabled by default and butt-scooting is possible. Who said Metallica was commercial? A Metallica videogame, what good can come from this?
Anyway, I'd rather seen a true, non-original Metallica release instead of this NU-metal crap. Like, say, 'The Black Album Reloaded', containing tracks as 'Exit Sandman' and 'The Unforgiven III'. Although some might argue if 'The Black Album' is a true Metallica album. I like it. Much as I like the preceding albums. St. Anger makes me angry.
[url=]Metallica website[/url:1ed30]