Good-Bye AA -
06-09-2003, 12:19 AM
PLEASE. Do Not move this thread. This is the section where I always post.
I used to come to this forum as a place to learn and understand the mechanics of this game we all play. I enjoyed speaking to the people here and exchanging ideas. But a couple of weeks ago I realized that Guarnere, Deleto and others had the right idea by wanting to get done here. But then I thought, no I won't let these asses get in the way of me posting my work for the people that like it.
Now this forum and most of the others have been over run with assholes, critics, and really ignorant people. And I have come to the obvious conclusion that the moderators don't have the time to be banning and sassing people for being asses to each other. That would be why there are so many floating around. Those who are nice know I am not speaking about you. Like modern everyday life is stressfull enough... I don't need peoples crap from this forum stacking on top of it. And neither do you.
I am in the developement stage of the biggest mod I have ever made. While some of you may not like my work, the last thing I need is the pricks that come here to drag me down with bitching PMs and horrible ignorance. Because of what I have seen in last week or so from this site, I will not be returning. For those of you who like my work I am sure we already know each other and you can keep tabs on it. For those of you that don't and feel a need to shit on me about it... You can go screw yourself with a splinter covered, wooden, broomhandle, with salt poured on it.