People that annoy me... -
06-10-2003, 09:24 PM
1. People named Chip, Skip, Buck, Kyle, Todd, Bud and Buzz.
2. People who mention Jesus more than 200 times in a 5 minute conversation.
3. Ricers who try to race me at a stoplight.
4. Guys who wear tank tops but never take the common courtesy to use underarm deodorant.
5. Middle aged yuppies who think it's cool to rev their Harley's at 2am
6. People who leave their turn signals on while driving.
7. Somebody who threatens to beat you up over the internet.
8. People with sqeaky voices.
9. Guys who think it's cool to tattoo barbwire around their arms
10. White guys who shave their heads.
11. People who want honest politicians.
12. People with car alarms.
13. Vegans who are over 300lbs.
Now post yours.