06-30-2003, 02:42 AM
ok guys,im not flaming you inoxx so dont lock this until you read it.these forums are dead,and theres a shark swimming in them to flame you when you come here,so why are we all still here?every thread i see,is locked,or a question like''how do i make a skin'' or some shit.this forums are made or n00bs and bastards that flame.theres more than 1.nothing is hardly ever released here.after the ripping and the DOD guys(the apocolypes of mohaa)these forums have died.when you come here,the sharke bites your ass with flame,as well as other people.why the hell did this happen?
when the worn cat is tired and the old cat gets older,they dont last long.
when an old cat is a worn cat,they last even shorter.
when a old cat,getts sick,hell begins to happen.
when a worn cat gets old,and sick,it dies.
--chiken...... 120389