Originally Posted by Panthacold
have a couple but ehm this one time i was walking home from drinking at a friends house and this guy try's to rob me, damn bastard cut my arm open but unfortunately for him i had a bottle of hennessey wich i smashed on his head evil:
this other time i was driving in a stolen car with my cousin going 100 mph while were drunk and high. my cousin wanted to turn up the volume but the idiot doesnt only rotate the volume button but also rotates the damn steering wheel. we crash up in a wall...i didnt have a scratch on me but it gave a kick ass rush tho biggrin:
so why arent you and your cousin in jail?
Stealing a car, willingly being in a stolen car, under the influence of drugs, no doubt youre underage to drink too (i dont know) but if so, then underage drinking.
Your cousin should be in jail for speeding while under the influence of drugs and alcohol, and both of you charged for probably not reporting this accident and leaving the scene. correct me if im wrong about the latter.
So unless this story of yours is infact bullshit, i suggest you correct yourself because if i ever become rich i will do a jay & silent bob and find out where you live. The police will be able to use this in connection with an anonymous car accident and reported stolen vehical which will be on their records. If infact any of this even happened.
If it is true, then you and your cousin are fucking morons who deserve to be in jail anyway. 100mph when high and drunk hake: