07-02-2003, 03:05 AM
i get a rush yelling at people on SOCOM (ps2 game) ive had some good fights mwah:
also when i used to dirtbiek i went over this huge jump...............CRASHED AND BURNED. because i swear when i was in MID air it started to rain and i remember thinking to myself "WTF" and i sorta lost control, banged my chest on the handel bars, got winded and scraped up very well after laying in the feild for 5 mins in the rain muddy and scraped up trying to catch my breath.
that happened in showboarding too got totally winded after fucking up on a 7 foot drop. i know its not much but when the showboard digs into the ground and you do a face plant your fucked.
then there was the 1st roller coaster i ever went on.
and like lastmonth i fucked up BMXing on this small ass jump i was so emberassed. atleast i made the gap to the pavement biggrin: but i didnt fucking land it i got crookede in the air i was a bloody mess adn had to walk home with a pulled muscle in my leg draging my bike. well it was like a 7 foot gap i suppose it was good enough lol