01-24-2002, 10:38 AM
I have played thru to the mission that was included on the single player demo and so far its been a fun but rather average ride so far. Not nearly as good or as immersive as I would have thought. Having no cut scenes between missions to advance the story makes the whole game seemed really pasted together. Parts of the game, like riding in the back of the jeep and taking over a machine gun implacement to protect a house were like playing a one of those old arcade shootout games where the little targets pop up and shoot as many as possible. The house one had me almost laughing because you just sit there and wave after wave of moronic nazis keep coming around the corner from each side each side until you have killed 30+!!!!!!
The Omaha beach mission was good but not as good as I had hoped and though tough, it takes very little time. Good but not great by any means but I can forsee playing thru it a few more times. Like I said, I'm not done yet but my impressions are this is only a average fps. In comparison, Halo puts this game to shame in every way possible and was far more innovative.
I only tried MP for a minutes but it seems like it would be fun but I bought the game because the single player game was supposed to be where this game really shined, it just doesnt stand out from any other fps I have played. Bash me if you want, but I have followed this game from the beginning and really wanted to like it but the gameplay just doesnt offer anything new.
I know some people buy into the hype and set expectations so high that no game could possibly be good enough. I however just expected a great fps and instead got a ordinary one. Fun but nothing groundbreaking, that sums it up for me. OK, Go ahead and start cussing me...