Remenber my name because it will haunt you in your nightmares, by the way this game kills all other multiplayer experiences.
Runs like a silky smooth thing from smooth city @ 1280x1024 32bit everything to da max on this:
T Bird 1.4
Abit KT7A Raid Mobo
768Mb Crucial pc133
Asus V8200 GF3 deluxe
Seagate 100MB HDD
S/B 5.1 Surround
Klipsch Spkrs
ADSL Net Conn
Take it from me & I played em all, from DF1 to Spec ops To R/Spear To G/Recon & Flashpoint, But this bad boy got sometin special, oh & i allmost forgot.....FCK C/Strike!!!!! (a game 4 children)
