01-24-2002, 04:49 AM
Did the makers hire a military advisor? They should have, while providing interesting gameplay, I have noticed several things wrong and annoying with this game as far as firearms are concerned. And the fact that I beat it on my day off. You don't have to cock the high standard .22 every time you fire. A Browning Automatic Rifle only holds 10 rounds. The same ammo for every gun? In all german boxes? Not one inanimate object in the game is interactive unless its part of the plot (or a box, whooo). I love how you can carry 300+ rounds for a thompson plus all the other ammo for the other weapons and still move like jesse owens, has anyone besides me ever carried a signifigant amount of ammo, *pant pant* I shoot someone directly in the head and their helmet flies off?! They weren't kevlar back then. Radio detonated bombs were not in common use. Omaha beach was garrisoned by Hitler Junge, not very many grown men. I wish I was as deadly accurate with a KR98 Mauser while I was running at 500 yards oh and while firing from behind walls, obviously impenetrable walls since I cant even shoot through wooden ones. They put a modern scope on the M1903, it should be brass. They need to learn the difference between panzershreik and panzerfaust.
I love to see germans smoking cigarettes near an ammo cache.,, miniature stuka divebombers.
They need to hire me.
I guess I just don't find anything fun anymore now that I play operation flashpoint all the time, this is obviously a game that anal retentive history buffs like me could have loved, if, like so many others, they had not sacrificed quality for a release date, at least the thing runs without too many bugs, I thank them for that. Now its just another shooter, kinda like hidden and dangerous, but this one actually works.
But now I beat the damn thing in a day and i'm out 50 bucks.
-Oberleutnant Durham
p.s. Omaha beach was freakin awesome, especially with headphones