E-fection -
08-22-2003, 11:43 AM
hey all, as we all know by now Capn obvious has been crying for attention as of late so lets all just give it to em starting with E-hugs *Gt sighs*
OK, Capn get over here so i can hug ya. You big receipiant of daddy's sperm
*Gt hugs Capn who strangely wasn't very reluctant of giving a hug back*
Gt speaks in the softest "therapists-like" voice that he can and says: Now Capn dont u feel better about yourself now?? Capn replies: Yes i do, Yes!! thank you Gt
Now would all aa.comers plz come in and give Capn O an E hug
THIS IS NOW MADATORY!!!!! a deep devilish voice replies over the intercom.