01-25-2002, 08:34 AM
What is there to gloat about? As was stated, the BETA version of a game doesnt always mean "incomplete". Just not retail. They could have added a "credit" to the credit real for all you know and considered that to be "GOLD". The warez version still runs as fine as the RETAIL, and folks were having a frenzy playing it as early as 2 weeks ago.
The only thing I think someone could crow about - or come close - is the fact that a patch is already available and is only usable by the full version. However, there were about 500 people in the MOH room before it came out, running servers - so one can only speculate there will be a fair share of 1.0 servers running for quite some time.
Well, long enough for 1.1 to be cracked at least.