Originally Posted by Arkan
Yes Sgt Stryker, i know all about those things, but times are changing and things are gonna get worse in this country unless we change things......and i think it's time for a radical change. We have enough "internal" problems here in the States, we just don't need more from the "outside."
students and immigrants of scientific background are hardly the problem, they do quite important work and are willing to integrate into society and become US citizens, the problem comes from all the lazy asses who think "land of opportunity" means "I can sit on my lazy ass and get money from your government (ie taxpayer money)", they don't want to work, they don't integrate into our society, in short they're a waste of air.
We need to get tougher on Mexico and make damn sure we don't accept no friggin' "refugees" from anywhere.
From what I've heard from Europe, the Albanian "refugees" they let in after Billy Jefferson bombed Yugoslavia are a bigger lot of cutthroats and thieves than there are in Jabba the Hutt's palace in ROTJ. (and that's a lot of cutthroats biggrin: )
Frankly I am quite concerned about what will happen if we stop immigrants,
From what I've seen at my university at least 50% of the people teaching math, physics, and chemistry are immigrants or exchange students.
It seems to me that the majority of American students try to get into majors such as business (and other such useless circle-jerk pseudo-sciences) because it's easier to learn and you get the same starting salaries with BS and MBA. So I predict that American science will be dead unless we change our school system and hammer it home to those %*@# lazy ass kids.