10-31-2003, 03:54 PM
P.S. "Khool" is web talk for "Cool" dayum man.... I guess u need me 2 spell EVERYTHING out 4 ya...
Let me guess, next your gonna ask me " Well, what does dayum mean? Is that a joke too?"
Okay mister "web-talk challenged" Dayum is a derivitive of the word damn...
Would someone please get this guy educated in the art of "Web Terminology" ???? PLEASE??? Then this dude could stop being so "Mr. Proper English" to me and start actually posting stuff that is more interesting than criticizing someone about how they spell wordZZZZZZ.
Sheesh man, dont u have something better to do besides be the Allied Assault Forums Spell Checker??? Dont they have programs that do that 4 U??? U should get one... and get OFF my back.. Tard.
hellfire: imwithstupid: the_finger: cool: