01-29-2002, 01:52 AM
I know some of you have probably missed it on the News, so here...
Post your questions here on this thread and I'll complie them, filter out the bad lang, repeated questions and such, and send 2015 a list of questions that's actually intelligent and worth answering. Then I'll post the answers as a featured article when I get them. How does that sound?
Ex of a question that is likely to be included:
Q: Could you please give me a step-by-step instructions on how to make use of the "rcon" command to remotely administrate my server?
or even
Q: As a result of the v1.1 patch, I cannot cheat in single player mode anymore; yes I admit I need to cheat to get pass the levels, now is there a way to work around that?
You get the idea. So, get busy posting.
Questions complied so far:
Q: Please give us a step-by-step instructions on how to make use of the "rcon" command to remotely administrate our server.
Q: As a result of the v1.1 patch, I cannot cheat in single player mode anymore, is there a way to work around that?
Q: Is there a way to get rid of that annoying white line at the bottom right of the screen when you move? (common problem)
Q: Is there anyway to fix the 'grey' screen? (common problem)
Q: Is there a way to put my own music into the game?
Q: Will there be an official dedicated linux server released for MoHAA?
Q: Is there going to be a voting menu for kicking, maps and game mode?
Q: Are we going to get an SDK?
Q: A Mod managing system/menu?
Q: Is there any way to bind voice commands to a single key?
Q: How does the sv_master# command work in MoH?
Q: It doesn't appear privateclients is working. If it is, how do we use it? If not, why is it not working, and when will it be ready?
Q: Is there a plan to compress the net code even more? Just like Point releases did for Quake 3?