You know how in the Omaha Beach objective map you can respawn when you die instead of PAINFULLY waiting for each round to end?
Well I've just released this brand new mod that lets you play the other 3 objective maps THE EXACT SAME WAY!
That's right!
Now you don't have to wait FOREVER while that one guy is sitting and camping on The Hunt!
Now the Allies have to make sure the bomb never goes off on The Bridge map for FIVE ENTIRE MINUTES instead of just quickly sniping out the invading Axis!
This map should be available on very soon, and I'll put up a page for it
here which should be up in a minute or two.
NOTE: ONLY SERVERS NEED TO HAVE THIS MOD RUNNING! CLIENTS (people who join the servers) DO NOT need to run this mod! All you gotta do is find a server that is running it.
American...I like American. Steamboat Willy, toot-toot.
Nooo! Please! I like American! Fancy Shmancy. What a cinch. Go fly a kite. Cat got your tongue? Colored beans! Betty boop, what a dish. Betty Grable, nice gams.
I say can you see? I say can you see? I....I say...
Fuck hitler.
Shut up with that filthy pig latin!