Originally Posted by Pyro
Originally Posted by NyckMSS
Originally Posted by Pyro
I can't wait till Datsyuk asks for a HUGE ass payraise next year.
we will be able to pay it however...Hasek and his 10 mill will be gone...good chance the captain will be gone as well as some of the other vets(lidstrom..unfortunantly, chelios, hull)
Myself personally, think Lidstrom is one of the biggest parts, if not the biggest part of the red Wings. It would be tragic to see him go.
Yes as well as I..I have watched him from day one..I got a autograph from him his 2nd or 3rd year in the league and of course have his sweater.. Unfortunantly he has been hinting on wanting to go home back to sweden for a couple of years now..He has been the stone cold anchor on the blue line..his production has been down this year..but hes really starting to catch fire