02-06-2002, 06:06 AM
Here's a quick addition to the above list - again, for argument's sake (or to give somebody ideas):
Grenade kill: 5 points
2nd Grenade kill (with same grenade): 15 points
3rd and over: 20 points
Grenade suicide: -10 points
Grenade team kill: -50 points
Teamkill: -75 points
(Reasoning? Many think grenade kills are cheap, for whatever reason. Regardless of your opinion there, grenades are more tactical in nature and not purely for combat, hence fewer points. *However*, if you can rack up multiple kills with the same grenade, you're doing something right! And if you kill yourself with your own grenade, you're an idiot and ought to be penalized!)
(And on less of a penalty for grenade team kills than the standard? Well, it's easier to mistakenly take out a teammate with a grenade; one can stumble into it unexpectedly, etc. Much harder to do so with a standard gun. More likely to be on purpose with the latter.)