[quote:058f8]you do realize they are a minority, and we are a majority right ?... a majority such as ourselves does not need over amplified representation such as BET or a scholarship fund. Why? Because we are a majority already, its simply to help out a struggling minority, that all. I see no problem with either.
That is true I guess, but how long do they get this special treatment. Why don’t they have a Chinese entertainment channel, or a Mexican one, there minorities too? I saw all should be equal. I think black like to blame white people for every thing and that’s the things I hate about them. They use the race card way to much.
ex: I was arrest once and in booking there a drunk black guy sitting there arrested for crack, and he says its only because he black. I told the cop don’t you get sick of that crap he agreed of course. you ever get in a fight with a black for what ever reason and the cops show he will say you called him a N*****, which I never use because you have to be politically correct now days right. Take your loss like a man and stop using race cards.
PS: I know not all black people are like this I have friends that are cool as hell that are black. I am just sick of the blame game.
Now tripper.
[quote:058f8]I also think you're mixed up....Remember Racism isn't the same as prejudice. Racism is simply ignorance towards other races, when you're being prejudice you're essentially acting out those racist views by discriminating against others based on race. I never said you did that.
[quote:058f8]rac•ism ( P ) Pronunciation Key (rszm)
1:The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.

iscrimination or prejudice based on race.
I think you don’t know what racism is come down to that comprehension thing.
The examples I made of the past post were a statement how in them post you called me every name in the book and it turns out I was right. Ok
By the way nice job on the reply I didn’t think you could with out a name.