06-30-2004, 07:42 PM
[quote="Pvt.Pinhead":1e52a][quote="Mr.Buttocks":1e52a]Whoa what a tough guy! oOo:
stfu marine.[/quote:1e52a]
U know, I hate ppl like you, you guys make fun and act as though you dont care about soldiers, and that they are just stupid gung ho ppl wanting to shoot everyone. Soldiers, Marines especially form a family bond with all other soldiers and when a family member is takin and threatin the rest of that family is going to do all they can to eather save him or revenge him.
If one day a enemy attacks and invades the USA are you all still going to sit behind your computers and read a marine letter and type STFU marine?! You are sick! annoy:[/quote:1e52a]
Hopefully you'll change your ways before you grow up or else your in for some suprises.