07-22-2004, 06:58 AM
The firewall might cause it but as far as wireless unless you have something going that is screwing with the signal then it should be fine. That is why they say that gaming on wireless isn't as good because it can drop packets due to signal interference but I never had a problem with it. And as Ajax said run a spyware remover. If your other comp is working fine and this one isn't then It is either spyware, network card drivers, firewall, or the services are eating you up if your on XP. wright down the server ip and go to the cmd line and ping it from there and then post your results here. That might help us more. Also you might go here and test you upload speed too: [url:befba]http://www.dslreports.com/stest[/url:befba]
Does this happen on all servers or just one? Also does it happen in other games?