07-30-2004, 08:07 AM
I thought of some more:
- The Venus Fly Trap. We waited until this one dude (who we all thought was a royal dickhead) went to bed and taped up the outside of his door with clear packaging tape. Sticky side in...total coverage. We started making an unholy racket outside his room, banged on his walls...anything to get him pissed off and fly out the door at us. Well, he did..and got a face full of tape.
- We dis-assembled a guy's room and set it up in the lobby exactly how he had it originally. The calendar was in the same spot, the fridge was plugged in, posters up. Perfection.
- We got the frosh (all 50+ of them) to go to one of the girls' residence and stand outside shouting "WATER!!! WATER!!" The girls would pour anything and everything out the window on them. Kool-Aid, milk, and even some water.
- Century Club. Who didn't do a Century Club? 100 minutes, one big slug of beer a minute. No bathroom breaks.
- We stole a decorated christmas tree from a girls' residence. We set it up and re-decorated it. The girls were pissed!! They went to every residence with campus security. When they got to our place, they looked at the tree..."Nope, that's not it."
Keep the stories comin'. I'm getting all nostalgic n' shit. I feel like taking the new student co-op dude here at work and sticking his head in the toilet. Good times.