04-06-2001, 12:04 AM
I am neither angry or mad. The first guy slamin and callin me a crybaby agravated me. That was unessary. An upgrade will be comin soon enough. Underpowerd am I. No dont think so as of yet. quake 3 will push 40 frames a sec at 1024 x 768 runnin 32 bit. Television run at 24 frames a sec. I agree need upgrade soon. My concern if requirments to high that will cut out alot of gamers. Angry I am not. People get to excited sometimes as do I. They gave me an honest awnser as they could. And with that I am more than satisfied. If it wont run on my current machine it will be their when I am ready. I think that all posting here are as excited about the game as I. Really the current games on the shelf and recently released do nothing for me. So most of all I want them to design the game as best as they can, and to be honest from what I seen they are not haveing a problem doing that. So enough about sys req. from me. Seems to be getting you all upset and I hate Forums that do nothing but slam. We dont have the game so to early for that. Good work 2015, and I wont bring up sys req again. There are other things I would like to know. I always upgrade and get new machines and will continue to do so. But most gamers and people cant do that. And most buy of the shelf. Those were the people I was trying to stand up for. Some are my friends and decent gamers who dont cheat.