06-19-2001, 02:52 AM
hows is the dificulty level determined ? is it based on increased number of enemies in the mission , higher percentage of getting shot , and tougher AI ?
and also is there an auto-aim feature ?
and also what kind of manuvers do the enemies do when you are shooting at them, like rolling and crouching and running to go behind walls for better cover ?
also whats the percentage of getting shot if you just run straight through (in a straight line) in the omaha level ? i hope its a high percentage .
and also is there a tutorial level like when mike powell is at Carrickfergus at the live fire training exercises at Achnacarry, Scotland ?
and also is there a mission to sabatoge hitler's V1 and V2 missles ?
and also is it possible to drown in the omaha level ?
and also what type of computers do you guys have working on this game ?
and also do you guys order pizza while you are working on this game ?
[This message has been edited by Polaris (edited June 19, 2001).]