Chick In Football. -
09-26-2004, 06:23 AM
Well had our first ex game yesterday. Normal game I guess, smash talk good hitting, few penalties, all was going well until the last 4 minutes of the game..
Seems the other team had a chick punting/ field goal kicking for them. Our teams defense consist's of 2 Ontario Varsity Junior football All Star's. To make a long story short, they went in to block the kick, she kicked hit one of our guyz in the head and shattered her knee / legg / anything in the area around the knee to complete shit, the scream was so loud that all 2000 people in the stands went dead silent. because of this, we could not finish our game & we ended up just shaking hands, But of course, when you get a large gathering of isdiots in a crowd things get nasty, it seems they took it that we purposely hurt a "chick" The booing was fucking loud. When we took our helmets off the came over to our bench and pelted us with rocks (no one was hurt on that. 2 of our guyz who got hit went chasing after, but the coaches called them back. On our way out things got worse, every black chick or hispanic chick came up to us, and called us monsters for hurting her, They got pissed at me for shivering there star inside linebacker in the face to much (seems i ripped his lip open). We drove threw the parking lot had more people get mad over nothing. If they would have just taken 5 seconds to see that it was an accident & shit like this happens in football. by the way Buck/Pyro/Tony the school was Bramalae... What a run down pos. We did the respectable thing, we clapped their team & their player off the field when the ambulence took her away, at least their is some sportsmenship left in the game. rolleyes: