06-25-2001, 11:58 AM
Hey Mr. Dick on the wheels, please explain to me how trying to enjoy my game to its fullest and not worrying about the smallest details makes me lazy? I understand that you and many others care soooooo much if you see a plane in the sky in the distance and it has the wrong decall or paint job, and thats totally cool. But why dont I have the same right to enjoy my game just the way it is. I see in absolutely no way that this makes me more lazy than you. Sure, i may be less observant than the rest but I dont have to sit around and let those things bother me while gaming. What I would be pissed at, is if they messed up SEVERLY. For example, having battles take place in the wrong countries. Just remember Dickonwheels, whats minor to me may be major to you, and vice versa. But dont get me wrong, I understand your point of view. Just dont go calling me lazy because I "dont know any better about those historic flaws." I know a lot more about this conflict than you think. I just refuse to let that get to me.
[This message has been edited by BlueDevil (edited June 25, 2001).]