06-26-2001, 08:54 AM
Picture this--
You have just blasted some enemy and are running towards him to "pick up" that convenient, shiny new box of ammunition. You know, just run over it and it is amazingly teleported into the magazine of your weapon or the extreme-high capacity backpack you wear, full of weapons and thousands of rounds, yet you never seem to have to rest, or RELOAD. Oh wait, just press your "reload" hotkey. Immediately you have a fresh mag, in less than 2 seconds, and you, get this, do it all WHILE running and never seeming to tire. Is this possible?
Think about it.
Why not actually frisk the pockets or ammo pouches of your fallen enemy, or take the mag out of his weapon, and actually LOAD it manually into your weapon or put it in your bandolier?
Why must games utilize these "Castle Wolfenstien" and "Doom" "innovations"?