07-27-2001, 12:03 AM
The next game, if there is one, should have two main things: the 6th Ranger raid on a POW camp in Bataan, and a regular, average guy for that time. I mean, the past two characters, excluding Manon (I never played MoH Underground) are college educated, top of their class, well, instead of using the O.S.S., just have the Rangers and an ordinary guy. Not a limey Brit or Russkie or Frog, they never recieved the Medal of Honor, about Manon, but she was recruited into the American ranks, so that is feasible. Maybe even have a Marine, they don't get the recognition for their contribution in WWII that they deserve.
I told you I'd shoot, but you didn't believe me! WHY DIDN'T YOU BELIEVE ME?