Originally Posted by "Grim_Reaper":ed3cd
Originally Posted by 1080jibber
A girl I went to highschool with and even fooled around with her too, got busted with crack and a crack pipe. She was pretty hot too, but I wonder what she looks like now, I cant belive that shit is in my town. I would hve never guessed that she would do that kind of stuff.
Isnt it weird how some people turn out.
i heard they were trying to legalize crack in canada... or it was heroin...
In one of Canada's major cities (I forget which one, Vancouver and Montreal ring a bell), they had somewhat legalized herion. When I say this i mean that they opened up a shoot up place. Somewhere to go for addicts to shoot up in a safe place, with fresh needles and tools. Good idea in my opinion.[/quote:ed3cd]
Yeah thats true. That was in Vanouver. The place gave them clean needles and a place to dispose of old needles. Apparently in some places in vancouver there are needles all over the ground.